Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, Feb. 9

Up around 7:30. After breakfast, I went to Mother's house to help her take a shower, and then put a load of laundry in the washer. Back home, I changed clothes and did a treadmill session and weights exercises.

Hubbie spent his morning at a Master Gardener meeting. I was finally ready for the day by the time he returned at 11:30.

After lunch, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and she and I made another batch of strawberry preserves.

Afterward, she played word games on my e-reader, while Hubbie and I watched the pilot to a new series on TV that I'd recorded on DVR..."The River," which is a paranormal/horror/adventure about a woman and her son on a quest to locate her husband, Dr. Emmett Cole, who disappeared while on a trip to find magic in the uncharted Amazon. Right away, strange things begin happening.

Later, for supper, I fixed biscuits and gravy, with scrambled eggs, for lack of a better idea. Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward.

At 7 p.m., we went to the college to hear a blues singer perform. The session was held in one of the lecture halls, which was a more intimate venue for the performance. As proof that it's a small world, this African-American performer competed last week in the same event at Memphis as the blues band my son performs with. In talking with the artist's wife, I learned that she is friends with one of women of the blues band.

Before we came back home, we stopped by a grocery store to pick up a can of crushed pineapple to add to the fruit I'm fermenting for friendship cakes.