Sunday, May 6, 2012

Friday, May 4

Today is the anniversary of Sis's and my father: born May 4, 1896, and died November 26, 1983, two days after Thanksgiving.

Up at 6:30 this morning, so I could get ready to go to water aerobics. The water was pretty cool again today, but I got used to it. Twelve of us showed up, about half the number that came on Monday. It's the weekend...people want to get an early start on it.

One more week of water aerobics before the pool closes for summer break. Our leader announced that our group will meet at a popular Italian Restaurant next Friday for a Dutch Treat lunch. Mother will enjoy going with me to this gathering. The ladies are always glad to see her.

Back home, I got ready for the day, and then accompanied Mother to our house, where she helped me prepare veggies for a chef's salad for Hubbie's and my lunch. For Mother's lunch I made (at her request) an egg and cheese omelet with toast and peach preserves.

After lunch, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie resumed working in the yard, and I ran the home medical services office to drop off the cookies for the fundraiser bake sale tomorrow; and to the WDCS for a number of things, including personal items for Mother, a couple of sweat bands for Hubbie, and groceries.

I got back home around 3 p.m., and relaxed until time to prepare a supper of biscuits and gravy, with a side of canned peaches. Afterward, I accompanied Mother back to her house. Hubbie went back into the yard, and I goofed off.

Later, Hubbie and I watched TV.