Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 11

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics...the last session until June 4. Boo. Only eleven of us showed up today. But the water was great, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

The talk in the dressing room earlier was about the town's former coronor, who was shot in the back yesterday afternoon while he was napping on his couch. The bullet went through his back and exited his stomach. He has undergone surgery and is in critical condition.

This man, former owner of one of the funeral homes, is the same one who was accused and then acquitted of using hearses for drug running (joke going around then: "We might not be able to get you all the way to Heaven, but we'll get you as high as we can").

The ladies commented that this man insisted that his ex-wife, while he was still married to her, had tried to slowly poison him to death. It's said that after the divorce, she got the funeral home, and he opened another funeral home in town. He has remarried, to a woman who has no use of her arms and hands, and amazingly uses her feet to type and write.

As to his shooting, it is speculated that someone hired a hit on him, fearing that he knows too much. High crime and drama in our small town...sounds like something out of a movie.

Back home, I had to laugh at Hubbie, who greeted me at the door on his knees, hands bent at the elbows, and woofing! He's a nut sometimes.

After a cup of hot coffee, I hurried to get ready to go to a "Water Babes" luncheon at a popular Italian restaurant. Mother went with me, and we left home around 10:30, so I could snag a handicapped parking space near the front door. We were the first to arrive for the 11 a.m. gathering.

Only eight of us were there. I think our leader originally expected around twenty, but one-by-one they began dropping had to go to the capitol city to attend a soccer tournament that her grandson was playing in; another had a dental appointment; two others had agreed to go out to lunch with their husbands instead of joining us, etc., etc.

Mother and I enjoyed the luncheon gathering, which lasted an hour and a half. Discussions ranged from the Great Depression to current fashions to "when we were young." Lots of laughs.

Funny: our leader commented that she didn't like milk as a child. In order to get her to drink it, her mother would lace it with various things...sugar, flavorings, vanilla, eggs. "To this day," she said, "I still love ice cream."

For lunch, Mother had spinach quiche and fruit. I had vegetable pasta...onions, bell peppers, yellow and zucchini squash on a bed of noodles. Before we were served our main dishes, we were served baskets of toasted garlic bread with marinara sauce for dipping. We both had more food than we could eat and brought a lot of it home for another meal.

Following the meal, our leader presented each of us with metal pink flamingos on metal sticks for the garden. She collects pink flamingos and has a world of them that people have given her (in fact someone gave her a pair of ceramic ones today), so I guess she thought we should each have one, too. She wore one of her most unusual ones to the pool today...a big pink flamingo hat with a long neck that bends up over the forehead. We've seen it before, but it cracks us up everytime we see it.

At home, a couple of Mother's Day cards had arrived in the mail for from older son and daughter-in-law, and one from younger son and daughter-in-law. Beautiful cards with wonderful sentiments that I appreciate so much! Made my day.

Around 3 p.m., Mother and I went to a reception at the Extension Services office to welcome the new agent for family and consumer sciences. If we'd arrived a few minutes later, we'd have been the only ones there...seems the event was actually from noon to 3 p.m.! I had recorded the wrong time on the calendar. As it turned out, though, there was a potluck lunch at noon, and we couldn't have attended it, anyway, since we planned to attend the Water Babes luncheon. Also, by arriving late, we were able to talk with the new agent without interruption.

This is a very young woman, in her twenties, who graduated from college only two years ago. This is her second job. She will devote twenty-five percent of her time with the 4-H clubs, and split the rest of her time between the Extension Homemakers, and outreach education in the community. In other words, EH will fall low on her list, I suspect.

Other than visiting with the new agent, the talk among the rest of us was about a local chicken business that has announced in the local newspaper that it will shut down its frozen dinner line, and so will lay off 233 employees. This is a major blow to our town.

Back home, we relaxed a while and then heated leftovers for supper, including the veggie pasta I brought home from lunch. After supper, I accompanied Mother to her house, and helped her take a shower, then throw a load of laundry in the washer.

Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening as usual...watching TV.