Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Grape Festival, Day 4

Sunday, July 29:

After a really hot day yesterday, this morning was very pleasant, so following a breakfast of bagels with cream cheese and strawberry preserves, yogurt for those who wanted it, and fruits, Daughter and I went for a bike ride.

When we got back, we all got ready to pack it in and head home. We were on the road around 9 a.m., and arrived back at Daughter's hometown by 11 a.m. We decided to wait to have lunch until later, so we bid goodbye to Daughter and her friend, and continued our trip home.

We stopped at another town about an hour away, had a sandwich lunch, then headed home. Arrived around 2:30. The first thing we noticed was that there had been an apparent storm while we were gone, because a couple of sizeable limbs were down (one near Mother's house), plants in the garden were bent, and a birdfeeder has fallen and broken.

I accompanied Mother to her house, and then Hubbie and I spent the remainder of the afternoon unloading the camper, washing clothes, and doing other tasks related to getting organized after a trip.

Fixed a supper of leftover barbecue and hot dogs. I prepared a plate for Mother...hot dog on a bun, and a half a baked potato leftover from her dinner at the restaurant Saturday night, and delivered it to her house. Once she'd eaten, I hung around until she had taken a shower, and then I threw a load of laundry in the washer.

Back home, I relaxed until Hubbie came in out of the yard, and then we finished the evening watching TV.