Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday, August 3

Slept late again, until around 8 a.m. After breakfast, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, where she peeled and sliced peaches for a peach cobbler, and while I put the cobbler together and got it into the oven, she peeled and diced tomatoes to be used in making lasagna tomorrow.

Once the cobbler was out of the oven, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises, after which I headed upstairs to get ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie took the van to the shop to get the oil changed. He also hoped to get whatever work done that was needed to satisfy a couple of recalls, but the shop didn't have the necessary parts on hand. For the oil change, he was able to use a certificate he won at the Summer Celebration silent auction.

He got back home in time for lunch, which was salmon sandwich, macaroni salad, and a helping of the hot cobbler for Mother, a generous serving of macaroni salad, and a dish of cobbler for me, and the remainder of the pimento cheese on hot dog buns, slaw, and macaroni salad for Hubbie, along with a dish of cobbler.

Mother headed to the couch for a nap afterward, and Hubbie and I relaxed for a while, since we didn't want to make noise and wake Mother. She slept a long time, until around 4 p.m.

After a while, I felt I needed to spruce the kitchen and den for company tomorrow, which I did as quietly as possible.

Mother got up feeling refreshed, and wanted to help make a batch of biscuits. I gathered all the ingredients and implements, and she prepared the dough, rolled it out, and used a biscuit cutter to cut them and place them on a cookie sheet.

I put the remainder of slow cooker chicken and veggies in the oven, and when it was heated, I put the biscuits in. It was a satisfying meal.

Afterward, I accompanied Mother back to her house, and then Hubbie and I watched TV, as usual, starting with the movie, "Glorious 39," a 2009 British suspense thriller that centers on a powerful political family just before WWII.