Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday, August 2

FINALLY! We got rain this morning...only about a half an inch, but maybe we'll fall under the 20% to 30% chances of more rain over the next several days.

Slept late this morning, until around 8 a.m. It was pleasant sleeping to the sound of rain, and even the thunder and lightening didn't bother us. After breakfast, Hubbie accompained Mother to our house, and she, Hubbie, and I worked to peel, slice, and bag peaches for the freezer. We got five quarts, and there are still more to be processed.

Afterward, I did a treadmill session and resistance band exercises. Once I cooled down, it was already time for lunch. Fixed a salmon sandwich for Mother. I had a slice of leftover bagel pizza, and Hubbie had a pimento cheese sandwich. Hubbie and I had frozen Reliance grapes for dessert, but Mother didn't want anything more.

Then Mother went to the couch for a nap, and I finally headed upstairs to get ready for the day. After that, we spent a pretty lazy afternoon, with Hubbie watching TV, and I reading, or playing on my laptop. I also gathered information (including a member mailing list, and volunteer hours) related to our scrapbook club to submit to the new Extension Services agent.

Mother was up from her nap around 3 p.m. We vegged for a while, and then fixed a supper of bacon/lettuce/tomato/Vidalia onion sandwiches, served with macaroni salad. Afterward, I accompanied Mother to her house, and waited until she had taken a shower.

Back home, Hubbie and I ran a couple of errands...first to a home improvement store, where we met one of our neighbors, whose wife we worked with before we retired. We learned tonight that, unbeknowst to us, she has been in the hospital for several weeks. Her husband and son had made a long trip recently, and she was unable to go due to poor health because of diabetes.

When they returned, they found her lying on the floor in a coma. They don't know how long she had been there. She barely had a pulse, and they feared they would lose her. But, she's now in rehab at the hospital. Her health is so precarious, that anyone who visits her has to suit up, and wear a cap and gloves.

Her lucidity comes and goes, and she has a sore on her tail bone that is not healing properly. She has already suffered a staph infection, and some other infection that I've forgotten, as a result of being hospitalized. Sounds like it's going to be a long road before she can return home, if she is able to at all.

The fact that we didn't know about this until today is proof once again of how insular we are as a society. We don't even know whats going on with our neighbors, nor do they know what's going on with us.

Our purpose in going to that store was to look for outlets and toggle switches for Mother's house, because Son and Daughter-in-Law plan to come up on Saturday, so Son, and electrician, can replace all them at Mother's house.

But we didn't find what we wanted, so we headed to the WDCS. Found what we wanted, and since we were there, I picked up salad and French Bread for Saturday's lunch.

On the way back to our van after shopping, we saw a beautiful sunset...blazing red sun against pink and slate gray clouds. At home, we watched TV for the rest of the evening.