Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday, August 4

We had a very good day!

Up at 7 a.m., but skipped my exercises so I could get ready for a visit from Son, Daughter-in-Law, and two great-grandsons. After breakfast, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and we began lunch prepararations...I gathered ingredients for lasagna, and Mother put it together. She also cut up veggies for a salad, and sliced and buttered French bread.

After that, we spruced the house a little bit, paying particular attention to vacuuming, and using a sticky roller on the furniture to reduce cat hair and dander, because Daughter-in-Law is allergic to cats.

Son and Hubbie went to Mother's house, and immediately began working to replace light switches and receptacles. Just before noon, I discovered we were out of milk, so Hubbie made a quick trip to the grocery store, because that's what the boys needed to have with their lunch.

Our lunch of lasagna, salad, cottage cheese, and French bread, followed by peach cobbler and ice cream was very good. It stuck to our ribs all afternoon, and no one was ready for supper later.

Mother and I thoroughly enjoyed the great-grandsons, who are really good boys. Like all kids who visit our house, they were fascinated with the staircase, and played on it a lot. They also enjoyed the boxes of toys from the closet, many of which their dad played with when he was a boy.

Son and Hubbie finished the task at Mother's house around 5 p.m. Son and family left shortly afterward. I fixed a plate of macaroni salad and a slice of deli turkey for Mother to have later, and then accompanied her to her house.

Hubbie and I watched TV for the rest of the evening, including a 2009 movie called, "The Fourth Kind." What is causing mysterious deaths and disappearances in Nome, Alaska? Alien abductions? A serial killer?