Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18

Up around 8 a.m., and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning.

Before I went upstairs to get ready for the day, I washed four quarts of strawberries for Mother to slice and sweeten for the weekend. Before she sliced them, she sorted the largest, sweetest ones out of the batch to put in a bowl for me to munch on. It's hard to resist grabbing one everytime I pass the bowl.

It was a dismal day that started out warm, but chilled with the passing of rain storms. I didn't have an alternate plan for the day after our scrapbook club meeting was cancelled, so Mother abandoned the jigsaw puzzle she started a few days ago, and started another one; Hubbie did this and that, including taking the lawn mower back to the John Deere place, because it threw a belt after only thirty minutes of mowing yesterday, thanks to the blanket of gumballs in our yard; and the weather inspired me to do nothing but curl up with the novel I've been reading.

So it was a pretty non-productive day. We kept one eye on the TV for weather warnings, but though our county was in a tornado watch area, nothing came of it but a rumble of thunder and drenching rain.

Supper tonight was leftover stirfry and rice. Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, but before he did, he fetched her coat from her house, since the temperature had dropped so much after the storm.

Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including a PBS series, "Call the Midwife," about nuns and nurses in London, who deliver babies in the late 1950s. It's based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth.


What a terrible week of tragedies, with the bombings in Boston, and the explosion in Texas. America is grieving right now. My heart goes out to all those affected.