Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17

Up at 6:30 to get ready for water aerobics. It was a balmy morning, but I wore my fleece outfit, anyway, because I knew it would be comforting after swimming. And indeed, I couldn't wait to jump into it after walking into that freezing air conditioned dressing room in my wet swimsuit. I guess the room has to be kept cool to discourage bacteria and mold.

The pool wasn't as warm as it had been last Friday, and I soon found out why. Seems the jets weren't operating, so the water wasn't circulating and filtering. We don't know how long the jets were off, but as soon as a couple of ladies were aware of the problem, they opted to leave the pool, and a couple of other didn't bother to get in at all.

Sixteen of us, though, decided to brave it, figuring that the pool maintenance guy had probably checked the PH balance and deemed it safe for today. Those of us in attendance didn't want to miss this session, since we will not meet on Friday, because the lifeguard/coach will be away with the college's baseball team. We don't know if we will be able to go on Monday,'s possible that if the pool needs repairs again, water aerobics could be suspended for a while.

We got a good workout today, though, including a water noodle session. Funny: one of the ladies...our neighbor...was vigorously working with her noodle, when suddenly it "threw her" as it popped off her foot and unbalanced her to the point that she fell backward into the water. She quickly regained her balance, captured the noodle, and (blushing) exclaimed, "This ain't my first rodeo!" Cracked us up.

The discussion today was about one of the aerobics members, who hasn't attended in quite some time...not since last fall. Seems that she has been hospitalized for three weeks for an illness that resulted in her contracting C-difficile, a highly contagious disease of the bowel and colon caused by bacteria, acquired mainly after lengthy stays in hospitals or long-term care facilites.

Now, it has been determined that she has a mass in her colon. Once the C-diff is under control, she is scheduled to be placed in a nursing home to regain her strength before she undergoes further treatment.

I first learned of this lady's illness from Hubbie, who found out about it at the Master Gardener's meeting this week. Apparently, only a few people knew about it, and when they have visited her at the hospital, they were required to wear protective gear.

Elderly people with weakened immune systems, or who have recently had surgery, are especially at risk of developing C-diff. It is a bacteria that is found in the gut of 1 in 33 adults, and is more common in babies. But it generally doesn't cause a problem in healthy folks. It's elderly people who are more at risk.

Back home, I relaxed with a cup of coffee, and then got ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. Before lunch, I hand-washed a dressy jacket and blouse that I'll wear to a wedding Saturday, if I get to go.

I say "if I get to go" because it seems like everything has been scheduled for Saturday...the Master Gardener plant sale, the Literacy Council yard sale, and the wedding. To jigsaw everything, I plan to get dressed for the wedding, and then take Mother to the MG plant sale, and on to the yard sale. Then I'll deliver her home, and hurry downtown for the wedding. The MG plant sale begins at 8 a.m., the yard sale will go on for several hours, and the wedding is at 11 a.m. Good luck to me squeezing it all in.

After a Ramen Noodle soup lunch for Mother, and pork roast sandwiches for Hubbie and me, Hubbie ran errands, while I gathered veggies for Mother to slice for stirfry later. Then Mother and I watched last night's elimination episode of "Dancing With the Stars."

As part of Hubbie's errands, he went to the veggie stand again and bought four more quarts of strawberries, because I (with only a little help from Hubbie) had already devoured the two quarts we bought yesterday.

Shortly after he returned, he got a call from the John Deere place letting him know the riding mower was ready to be picked up. He was surprised by this, since he fully expected it to be in the shop until sometime next week. So he went and picked it up, and as soon as he could, he hopped on it and happily mowed part of the yard, since rain is predicted for the next couple of days.

Also, since storms are in the offing, both of the other scrapbook club members have bowed out of meeting tomorrow. But we have all agreed that if we can find another suitable day that is not busy for any of us, we will meet before our next scheduled May meeting.

Later, I finished preparations for the stirfry and rice supper. It was especially good tonight, and Mother even ate two helpings. Afterward, Hubbie accompanied her home, and then he and I watched TV, as usual.