Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16

Up at 7:30 this morning, and did a treadmill session after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and then he went to the Extension Services office to join the Master Gardeners, who are responsible for maintaining the gardens there. The organization maintains several gardens around town.

While he was gone, I did this and that around the house, including calling the scrapbook club members to remind them of our monthly meeting Thursday. But, of course, severe storms are predicted for that day, so one of the members will not plan to be here. I left a message for the other member. If she decides to come, she, Mother, and I will meet. Otherwise, unless we can find an alternate date before that, it'll be yet another month before we get together.

I also tried to call a friend of ours, who is cleaning her closets again and wants Mother and me to visit her and pick up bags of artificial flowers. She also wants us to enjoy refreshments with her. I thought we might do that this afternoon, but since I couldn't reach her, I guess I'll have to try again another time. I'm not sure I need any more artificial flowers, but I'll take them and then pass them on if I can't use them.

Hubbie returned before lunch, and after lunch he went out into the yard to work, and continued to do that most of the afternoon. Naturally, after being in the garage all winter, the riding lawnmower had a few problems, so he hauled it to the John Deere place to be fixed.

Speaking of the lawnmower, sometime during the winter, one of the cats managed to knock a length of 2x4 board off the rafters in the garage, which dropped onto the hood of the mower, knocking a hole in it. Bless the cats...it's always something with them.

Mother's and my after lunch activity was watching last night's episode of "Dancing With the Stars." Afterward, I decided I wanted to go out to the roadside vendor stand to pick up the first of this season's strawberries. This morning, the vendor called to tell us that strawberries from one of the towns south of us are ready.

Mother was up for a ride on this pleasant afternoon, so I helped her get to the car. Hubbie was at the John Deere business at this time, so I called him to let him know where I was going. Didn't want him to come home and find both Mother and me gone...he might think Mother had had an emergency.

He was on his way home, he said, and he'd like to go with us to the veggie stand. When he arrived, he hopped in the back seat, and I drove us out there. At the stand, I bought strawberries, yellow and zucchini squash (from Florida), and new potatoes, and Hubbie bought Big Boy tomato plants, and sweet banana pepper plants.

Back home, Hubbie went back into the yard again, and Mother and I relaxed until time to prepare supper. Tonight, we had Spanish Chicken, served with potatoes, carrots, and onions leftover from Sunday's pork roast, along with a choice of Lima beans or butter beans. Mother helped with the meal by chopping the onion and mixing seasonings in a Ziplock bag in which she coated the chicken. After supper, Mother had a dish of ice cream for dessert, and I had a dish of ice cream over sliced srawberries.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I watched TV.