Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday, June 7

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. Still cool enough to wear my fleece outfit. The pool was pleasant, though.

Today, a man joined the group, which didn't set well with most of the ladies, who are uncomfortable with strange men among them. I'm neutral. As long as he doesn't get in my way, I'm okay with him being there.

There is already a younger man, with a prominent stomach, who comes and exercises for ten minutes or so in the shallow end of the pool. Mostly, we ignore him, except when he exits the pool and his trunks slip down to expose his crack.

Back home, I warmed up with a couple of cups of coffee, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. She went to her puzzle, and I got ready for the day. Hubbie went to the barber shop and ran a couple of errands.

I did this and that for the rest of the morning, and then after lunch, I ran errands. Today, I was interested in shopping for Hubbie's birthday, and picking up a few things at the WDCS, where I bought a couple of bottles of 100% juice for making jelly.

I also looked for a new pair of shoes (no success), and tried on a few clothes (also no success). It was 3 p.m. before I got back home. Hubbie was gone when I arrived. Mother said he'd gone to visit his niece. He came home around 4 p.m. He said he'd cleaned out a flower bed at Niece's. house.

Later, I heated the remainder of the chicken noodle soup, and heated blueberry muffins, for our supper. Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then he and I watched TV.