Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday, June 4

Today is the birthday of two of my great-grandsons, cousins who were born hours apart five years ago. Happy Birthday, Great-Grandsons!

Slept really late this morning, until after 8:30, but did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house as soon as we'd had breakfast. She finished her jigsaw puzzle before lunch, and started another one.

Once I was ready for the day, I went to the office computer and tried to retrieve Hubbie's social network page, but nothing I did worked. Since I have an account at that e-mail provider address, it doesn't want to accept Hubbie's. I'll have to search for another e-mail provider where I don't have an account, and see if that works.

By the time I finished frustrating myself with that it was noon. I wasn't very hungry after having breakfast so late, so I decided to have a brownie and milk. Hubbie had a sandwich and potato salad, and Mother had her usual Ramen noodle soup.

After lunch, we spent a couple of hours running errands. Stopped first at the library, then went to a pharmacy store, and a grocery store. At the grocery store, we used coupons to get a free dozen eggs, and a free package of frozen okra. Then we shopped for groceries and incidentals for Mother and ourselves at the WDCS. Went to the gas station after that, and finished the trip with a stop at the farm store.

Got back home around 3 p.m. Played on my e-tablet until it was time to prepare supper. This evening, we had leftover spaghetti. There was plenty of sauce, but I cooked a bit more spaghetti to go with what was left. Mother sliced and buttered French bread for the oven, and we made three small salads. Cottage cheese rounded out the meal.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then he and I watched TV. Tonight, we watched episodes of "Fawlty Towers," a British comedy series on DVD, borrowed from the library.