Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday, June 2

Slept late this morning, until nearly 8:30. It was a nice cool morning for sleeping in. Finally, the rain has stopped.

It'll be nice and cool tomorrow morning, too, but I'll need to get up at 6:30 to go back to water aerobics, after a three-week hiatus.

Skipped my exercises today and just went ahead and got dressed. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. We did the usual Sunday morning things. I washed a couple of loads of laundry, and Mother clipped coupon for Granddaughter, while Hubbie read the Sunday paper.

I planned to serve barbecue and potato salad for lunch, so I had plenty of time to waste. I used it to play games on my tablet for the rest of the morning.

After lunch, we spent the afternoon watching movies on DVD borrowed from the library. We started with a Disney film..."Those Galloways"...followed by a Miss Marple mystery. Both of these were suitable viewing for Mother, and she enjoyed them.

Around 5:30, Mother was ready to head home, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then we filled a large butter tub with potato salad and went to Hubbie's niece's house to deliver it. I'd made too much of the salad, so I wanted to share it to keep from having to eat it three times a day for a week.

Back home, Hubbie fixed grilled cheese sandwiches for our supper. Afterward, we spent the evening watching TV.