Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, Nov. 15

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. Chilly morning, but not terribly uncomfortable, since I was bundled up sufficiently. The pool, on the other hand, was uncomfortably cool. All the ladies complained. Still, sixteen of us braved it.

A few of us left the pool early, though. As we were getting dressed, a lady seated on the bench near me put her right food into her undies and then promptly got a cramp in her left leg, which caused her to fall from the bench, and land flat on her back on the concrete floor.

Another lady and I hurried to make sure she was okay. It took a minute or two for her leg to ease enough that we could assist her back onto the bench. Another lady, sister to the one who helped me, insisted on going to get her car to drive close to the gym, so she and her sister could take the injured lady to her car, in the lot uphill from the gym.

Since these two had things in hand, I came on home, where I warmed up with cups of coffee. After that, I got ready for the day, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. She went to her jigsaw puzzle, and I went upstairs to create a photo book online for Mother for Christmas. It's taking a while to find the right photos, since I want the book to mainly feature snapshots of Mother.

For lunch, we had the remainder of the Dumpling Soup. Mother went back to her puzzle afterward, Hubbie occupied himself doing this and that, and I read newspapers until time to meet my 2 p.m. appointment to have bloodwork done. I arrived at the clinic early, and I was taken back promptly, so I was back home just a few minutes after 2 p.m.

Hubbie had put a pan of sweet potatoes in the oven earlier, and they were done baking by the time I got back. They were to be part of our supper, to accompany salmon loaf. Around 3 p.m., Mother helped me put together the salmon loaf. The salmon and potatoes, along with canned corn, and slices of rye bread, was good.

After supper, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then we watched TV, as usual.


In reading the local newspaper today, Hubbie learned that a 66-year-old man, who had been his barber for over 35 years has died. He promptly called the barber shop, hoping that the name belonged to someone else, but it didn't. He was told that the man, who was divorced and lived alone had, sometime last night, driven himself to the VA hospital in the capital city, two hours away.

But after he arrived, his heart stopped, and the doctors couldn't get it started again. We really wish he had called an ambulance, rather than trying to drive all that way. Paramedics might have been able to begin treatment that would have saved his life.

Calling an ambulance at the first sign of a suspected heart attack was one of the things that was impressed upon me and other heart patients during rehabilitation.