Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday, Nov. 10

Up at 7:30, but skipped my exercises, as I usually do on Sunday. Went ahead and dressed for the day, and after breakfast, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. Then he went to the grocery store to get cottage cheese and few other grocery items. I needed the cottage cheese for making lasagna for lunch.

While he was gone, I did the usual Sunday tasks, including a couple of loads of laundry, and programming the DVR for this week's shows and movies. When he returned, Mother and I put together the lasagna. Mother likes to help with this, but she gets confused about how to layer it. Even though I mixed all the cheeses together today, so all she'd have to do is layer sauce, then cheese mixture, then noodles, she still needed me to tell her what to do next.

I got the lasagna in the oven by 10:30, and then relaxed with the Sunday newspaper, while we watched Sunday animal programs on TV. Later, we enjoyed the lasagna with servings of cottage cheese, and slices of garlic bread.

Afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie went out to work in the yard, and I went to the card shop to use a coupon to purchase a greeting card and another item. Registered for the door prize again, and snagged three chocolate chip cookies from the refreshment table to bring home.

At home, I decided to grab my camera and go out into the yard to snap a few pictures of the fall colors before a predicted very cold, windy day blows all the leaves off the trees Tuesday night and Wednesday.

Today was a glorious day, sunny and mild. I wish it could stay this way, but temps are predicted to drop into the 20s by Tuesday night. Yikes! I'm not ready for that. Winter is just not my favorite season of the year, since I can't thaw out until spring.

Back indoors, Mother and I began watching a Hallmark movie..."The Thanksgiving House," about a woman who inherits her aunt's house, and then discovers that it might be located on the very spot where the first Thanksgiving took place (in the town of Plymouth, of course).

After that, we watched two episodes of  "The Paradise," a British series about a department store and its employees in the early twentieth century.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then he and I had breakfast-for-supper, followed by more TV.


We are heartsick over the devestation and loss of life in the Phillipines. It's hard to wrap my head around such a violent storm, and how trapped and terrified people must have been when it slammed into those islands, where there were few places to take shelter, and where the water surged as high as two stories.