Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, Nov. 11

Today is Veteran's Day, so the first thing Hubbie did was hang the flag on the well house in remembrance of those who fought, and are fighting, to make sure our nation remains strong and free.

We were up at 6 a.m., so I could get ready to go to water aerobics. It was cool this morning, but not cold. It promised to be another beautifully mild autumn day. The pool was cooler today than it was a week ago. I suppose the heat to it was turned down for several days, since it wasn't in use. It takes a few days for it to get back up to a comfortable temperature.

I certainly hope it's toasty warm on Wednesday, since predictions are for windy, frigid weather that day. I don't know if I will be even able to force myself out into it that morning, but we'll see.

The front bringing the cold weather is to arrive sometime tomorrow. Since it is the second Tuesday of the month, there is a luncheon program scheduled at the hospital conference room, but I don't know if Mother will be up to going. Today, she is convinced she will be, but she might very well change her mind by tomorrow.

There's also a basketball game scheduled at the college tomorrow night, and Hubbie wants to go, since his nephew by marriage is the new coach. I'm not nearly as enthused as he is about it, but I guess we'll go, especially since he went to the college today and purchased season tickets for us.

As for water aerobics this morning, twenty-five of us showed up. I'll be surprised if there are that many Wednesday. I know one lady won't be there on that day or on Friday, because she is scheduled for a colonoscopy Wednesday, and then has an appointment with a specialist in Memphis to determine what is causing cloudiness along with cataracts in her eyes.

She has glaucoma, but said this is not related to her problem. She's very anxious about the appointment....more so than about the colonoscopy, even though her last colonoscopy two years ago turned up polyps, so that she must now be frequently monitored.

We welcomed back a member who has been absent for quite a while, due to Graves Disease...a thyroid condition that causes a lot of uncomfortable symptoms.

Back home afterward, I warmed up with cups of coffee. While I was doing this, the guy who textured and painted our walls, dropped by to leave samples of granite, so I could choose a pattern and color for a vanity top. He said he could only leave them for the day, since they are the only ones the store has, and they usually don't even let them leave the store.

As usual, I struggled with making a choice. I knew I didn't want any of the dark colors (black, brown, gray), so that narrowed it to the beige colors. Chose one that is light, but not too light. It has tiny specks in it, so the pattern doesn't clash with the textured wall.

With the pale green walls, beige granite, white vanity and window frames, etc., the room will be very plain, but I plan to perk it up with colored venetian blinds, a brightly patterned curtain, complementary  pictures, and colorful towels. I'm toying with the idea of lavender as the main color, with green complements. I want the room to feel light and airy.

Of course, it'll probably be after Christmas before I can work on the bathroom, since it'll take about six weeks for the vanity to be built, and then I'll have to choose vinyl for the floor, which someone has to install.

Once I was finally dressed and ready for the day, it was close to noon. For lunch, we had potato soup, with peanut butter and crackers. Afterward, Mother went to her puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran a few errands.

First stop was the college sports store, where I bought a pullover navy blue hoodie with the college logo, name of our town, and name of the sports team, on the front in red letters. Navy blue is not my color, but I can wear a turtleneck shirt under it that is in a red hue that is my color. This will be my official "going-to-the-games" shirt. It'll be nice and warm for what I'm sure will be a chilly gym.

From the college, we went to a grocery store to pick up prescriptions and a few grocery items.

Back home, I did this and that, while Hubbie went to visit his niece to deliver a pumpkin pie he got for 98 cents at the grocery store. He bought two, and he'll have to eat the other one by himself, because it packs a whopping 290 calories per serving, plus a world of sodium. It also contains yellow dyes.

While he was gone, the guy who painted our walls returned for the granite samples. He said he needed to get right home, because he wanted to provide clothes to his elderly neighbor, who had just moved in, and who had suffered burns when a truck he'd just purchased caught fire under the hood. The fire traveled to the gas tank, which exploded. Fortunately, the elderly man is going to be okay.

Later, we had a supper of lasagna, salad, cottage cheese, and garlic bread. Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I watched one-hour shows on TV.


We have a new great-grandson, born this evening, born just after 7 p.m. He weighs 6 lb. 4 oz., and his name is Lane David. Welcome to the world, Great-Grandson!