Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, Nov. 13

Today is 11-12-13. The next time there will be this kind of number sequence in a month will be 12-13-14. After that, such a sequence will not occur again until 2103. I won't hold my breath...well actually, I won't have a breath to hold by that time.

We slept late this morning, until around 8 a.m., but I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, while I got ready for the day. She was bundled up on this very windy, very cold day. She was dressed in jeans, so I knew she had decided not to go to the educational talk and luncheon at the hospital at noon.

I debated whether I wanted to go, either, but Hubbie seemed to want to, so we did. Today's talk was about depression and suicide (which, besides the cold weather, was the reason I debated whether to go or not).

It was a very serious subject, with no room for levity, so those of us who braved attending were subdued as we watched a slide show and listened to the speaker relay sobering statistics about the incidence of suicide attempts among the young, as well as among men, and the aging.

We were given information on how to recognize symptoms of suicide in people close to us, and how we should approach the problem. A scant crowd attended this program, which didn't surprise us.

Lunch was good...braised chicken breasts, oven fried potatoes, green beans, and a roll, plus fresh fruit for dessert.

Afterward, we ran a few the post office to mail a package containing my former ESL student's paintings, and an envelope of coupons for Granddaughter; and to the WDCS to pick up photographs and a few grocery item.

Back home, Mother had finished a jigsaw puzzle and started another one. I did this and that around the house until time to prepare supper, which was potato soup and bran muffins. Mother helped make the muffins.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then around 6:15, we went to the college to attend a  7 p.m. basketball game. In all the years we've lived in this town, we've never attended a ball game at the college, but since Hubbie's nephew is now the coach, he has bought season tickets for us.

Gad it was cold for the walk from the parking lot near the science building to the gym. The gym features regular bleachers, and a section with chair seats, for those who pay a hefty price for the privelege of sitting there. Tonight, though, we were allowed to sit in that section, since a large crowd was not expected.  My back does not like bleachers, so I will be purchasing one of those portable stadium seats, and I will take cushions to sit on.

We enjoyed the game, of course, though we don't know the young men on our team. We'll learn who they are quickly enough. Unfortunately, our team lost, but they gave the other team a run for their money, and we lost by only a couple of points.

We also enjoyed visiting with Niece and Great-Niece. Great-Niece is just a few months past her first birthday, and she's very cute, of course. Tonight she entertained everyone by dancing to the (loud) music playing before the game.

The gym was cool, so my new college logo hoodie felt good. It'll be my official going-to-the-games uniform, I guess.

Back home, we watched a couple of shows on TV, and then headed to bed.