Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, Nov. 13

Br-r-r...cold morning. Nineteen degrees wind chill. But I girded my loin and got ready to go to water aerobics.

I didn't dawdle walking to the gym today. I hoped the pool would be toasty warm, but it was not. It was pretty cool. But I braved it anyway, and once I got used to it, I enjoyed my swim and the workout that followed. Sixteen of us attended...more that I thought would.

Back home afterward, I thawed out with cups of coffee, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. Once I was ready for the day, it was close to noon, so I fixed various things for our lunch...Ramen noodle soup for Mother, the last of the potato soup for Hubbie, and the remainder of the lasagna for me.

Afterward, I headed to the hospital to meet an annual appointment for mammograms. The appointment was for 1:30, but I was asked to be there at 1 p.m., I guess to get the paperwork done ahead of the exam.

It didn't take long at all to get through the process, and I was headed back home by 1:38. Shortly after I arrived, Mother and I decided to make a no-crust pumpkin pie, because I didn't want to eat the pies Hubbie bought a couple of days ago.

I was amused when Mother said I hadn't missed anything by not eating any of the pies, because they were terrible tasting. She said the slice she had was strong or bitter or something. I asked Hubbie about it when he came inside, and he agreed that the pies were awful. I suggested he toss them, and he didn't argue. Those 98 cent pies were obviously no bargain.

His willingness to toss the pies without argument explained why he decided last night to join me in a snack of  half a bagel with cream cheese and newly made strawberry jam, instead of a slice of pie. 

Once the pie was in the oven, I was ready for a hot cup of coffee to warm up. And I was ready to relax with the newspapers. But just as I was reading an article, we heard a thud outside....the unmistakable sound of cars crashing into each other.

Sure enough, when we looked out the door, we saw an accident at the intersection near our yard. A young woman driving a tan car could not avoid hitting a man in a black car, who was attempting to turn right onto the highway. The impact spun the black car around to face the other direction, and he was pinned inside behind the steering wheel.

In no time, emergency personnel arrived. I had grabbed my camera, and after I shot a few pictures , I returned to our house to check on the pumpkin pie. When I went back outside in about five minutes, I saw that another accident had happened.

A log truck had barreled around a curve and failed to see the accident site. By the time he saw it, he didn't have time to brake, so he just swerved to the right and off into a ditch, turning the truck and trailer over, and spilling the large logs.

One log was tossed into our yard, near where Hubbie stood, and where I would have been standing if I'd stayed in the yard.

I cringe to think what might have happened if that driver hadn't swerved. He'd have plowed into both the accident cars, as well as a patrol car, and a whole bunch of people standing in the area. There would no doubt have been multiple deaths.

There's also no doubt Who had His Hand on the situation. He sent me indoors; He compelled Hubbie to run behind some trees; He caused the log truck driver to swerve in the nick of time.

I hope the man who was pinned in his car, which was in the direct path of the log truck, did not see the truck coming. If he did, he must have been terrified.

By the time the injured man was extricated from his car using the jaws of life, and the two cars were hauled off, and the log company had sent guys to get the logs picked up and stacked in the field across the street, and a huge tow truck had come to right the log truck and pull it away, it was 5:30...three hours after the accident occurred.

Indoors, I kept track of the pumpkin pie, and when it was done, I put baking potatoes in the oven. Around 4 p.m., Hubbie went to the WDCS to pick up a rotisserie chicken. We had the meat and potatoes with a baked butternut squash, and canned English peas, along with the remainder of the garlic bread.

Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then he and I watched TV, as usual. It was a busy and exciting day.