Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, Feb. 5

Today is Daughter-in-Law's birthday. Happy Birthday, Daughter-in-Law!

Slept late this morning, until 8 a.m., but did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast.

Mother stayed home again today, of course, since the temperature stayed low enough to prevent much melting of the snow and ice, and the path between our houses is pretty slick.

I did this and that for the rest of the morning, including starting a pot of spaghetti sauce simmering later.

After I'd gotten ready for the day, and we'd had a chicken soup lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands. I wasn't anxious to get out today, but I needed to select certain foods at the grocery store that I didn't want to trust Hubbie to do.

First, we went to the library to turn in a DVD and pick up one we'd asked to be held...the final installment of the series, "The Wind at My Back." I sort of confused the librarian, when I asked for "The Wind Beneath My Wings," instead of the correct title, but she managed to find the correct DVD in spite of me.

From the library, we went to the post office, to the bank, and to a pharmacy/grocery store to pick up a prescription and this week's free item, plus several on-sale items on which we could also apply online coupons that I'd uploaded to the store card last night.

After the grocery store, we went to the WDCS to get the remaining groceries on our list, and then we returned home.

The parking lots at the places we went were snow-cleared, but of course our yard is not, so I nearly lost my footing close to the porch. I know I looked comical with a purse over one shoulder, and carrying my camera bag, as I flailed around, flung out my hand to catch the edge of the house, and slid into near splits, before steadying myself to step up on the porch.

Hubbie, holding a couple of bags of groceries, was already on the porch trying hard not to laugh. But when I grinned, we both cracked up. This proved to be hygienically disastrous for me, and I had to change some of my clothes after I finally got into the house.

Before we left the house, I'd turned off the spaghetti sauce, so now I started it simmering again. We relaxed for a while and read newspapers, and then I started water boiling for spaghetti. Meanwhile, Hubbie took French bread and salad making over to Mother's house, so she could make garlic bread and fix individual salads. When the spaghetti was cooked, we took everything over to her house, and joined her for supper. It was a very satisfying meal on a cold night. Cold weather brings on carb cravings, I think.

Back home later, we watched a couple of one-hour shows, followed by our favorite basketball team, as they played to a win. Yay!         

Note: got a phone call from a water aerobics friend, who invited me to join her and a group of other women at a table for the upcoming "Red Shoe" event at the local college down the road. I haven't been to this event in a couple of years, because I was disappointed by the last one I attended. But this year, an internationally known heart specialist is the speaker, and I want to hear her.

A week or so ago, I asked a few of the ladies at the pool if one of them would like to go to the event, since I'd prefer to be seated with someone I know, but no one seemed interested...they, like me, were disappointed with the last one they attended. I'm glad that one of the ladies changed her mind, though I had already decided I was going to go, even if I knew no one I was seated with.

I'm glad the weather prevented me from going to town to buy a ticket, because the lady who reserved the table for eight paid up front for all the tickets. So I will reimburse her for my ticket on the day of the event, which takes place on Valentine's Day. Hope predicted nasty weather for next week doesn't interfere with the event.