Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday, March 16

Slept late, until around 8 a.m., on this gloomy day that promised colder weather, rain, and possibly snow.

Skipped my exercises after breakfast this morning. Hubbie checked on Mother, who said she wasn't up to coming over in this weather. She is still nursing a cold, so I was glad she opted to stay home.

Spent the morning reading the Sunday newspaper, and my novel, while Hubbie watched TV. Around 11 a.m., I began lunch preparations. Hubbie helped by peeling and dicing the potatoes I baked yesterday, and an onion. I sauteed these in olive oil and spices. I also dredged thin pork chops in egg, flour, and spices, and fried them in olive oil. Then I made a white sauce in the same pan. While the potatoes and pork chops cooked, I boiled ears of corn.

At noon, we took the meal to Mother's house, along with sliced bread. We also took Mother's medications, so she could fill her pill carriers, and the coupon inserts from the newspaper, so she could clip them for Granddaughter.

The food was very good, and after we ate, Hubbie brought the leftovers home to put in the refrigerator. I stayed with Mother for a while, until she finished clipping the coupons. I took my e-tablet with me to show her postings from family on my social network page. I also read a few pages of my novel while she worked on the coupons.

I returned home around 2 p.m. The temperature had dropped considerably by then, and it was windy and rain-sleeting.

At home, Hubbie was watching the championship basketball game on TV. I continued reading my novel, because I was at