Thursday, April 23, 2009

After the Trip, Part Five

Today, Thursday: we got up at 7 a.m., because I needed to be ready to take Mother for her doctor appointment, which was scheduled for 8:45. At the clinic, the nurse seemed confused about Mother getting blood work and had to consult the doctor first...but she was in a meeting. So poor Mother, who hadn't eaten this morning, because she was to have fasting blood work done, had to wait about 30 minutes before she was called for the test. Then we had to sit in a frigid exam room for quite a while before the doctor came in. Anyway, everything appears to be okay with Mother. She'll get the results of her blood work in a few days.

After we got back home, Mother only ate a piece of toast and jelly, because lunch time was so near. For lunch, we had cold chicken sandwiches, with fresh strawberries for dessert. Afterward, Mother went home, Hubbie went to the fairgrounds to help the Master Gardener members set up tables for the plant sale, and I uploaded Texas trip pictures to the one-hour service for printing

I also went out to the yard again to shoot more pictures of the blooming plants. It was cloudy today, a better day for getting evenly lighted shots than the sunny day yesterday.

For supper, I made fajitas for Hubbie and me, using leftover chicken and beans, along with sauteed green onions, bell pepper, mushrooms, and banana peppers, and salsa and seasonings. I served leftover sauteed potatoes and salad with the fajitas.

Mother opted to stay home this evening. She is not fond of Mexican-type foods. Also, she likes to spend one supper meal each week at home. She usually has lots of foods in her freezer...dibs and dabs of leftovers from various meals we've had at our house. She doesn't label the food when she freezes it, so it's always a fun surprise to her when she pulls out several little packages and microwaves them. She says it's like eating at a buffet restaurant, where you sample several foods without worrying whether they go together or not.

Later, Hubbie and I spent our hour of downtime in the usual pursuits, and then we watched TV.