Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday, April 24

We were up at 6 a.m. this morning, so Hubbie could go hook the trailer to the truck and then get to the high school horticulture department before 7 a.m. to pick up plants for the plant sale this weekend. After he left, I spruced the upstairs bathroom, bedroom, and office, in anticipation of the pest control guy coming for the quarterly spraying this afternoon. Hubbie always laughs at me for wanting to clean house for the bug man.

Hubbie wasn't gone long, because it turned out that he couldn't crank the trailer high enough for the truck hitch to connect with it. So he came home and called another Master Gardener to report the problem. The MG said her husband had a truck and trailer that could be used for the task, which meant that Hubbie could just go on down to the fairgrounds and help unload the plants once they arrived.

In the meantime, I went to the college pool for water aerobics. The pool is still over-filled, and was a bit cooler this morning, but it felt good once I got used to it.

One of the ladies has been wearing blue-tinted sunglasses in the pool, and I wondered why. Today, she volunteered that she's been having trouble seeing. She visited her doctor yesterday and was told that she has arthritis in her eyes. I never heard of that. I always associated arthritis with joints. But another lady said she was diagnosed with arthritis in her ears. In researching online, I learned that indeed arthritis can occur anywhere in the body, including eyes, ears, and face.

Back home, after I got ready for the day, I continued sprucing the house. Then I heated the remaining two fajitas for Hubbie's and my lunch. Mother joined us for lunch, but she chose to have Ramen noodle soup. Hubbie got back from the fairgrounds about 11:45.

After lunch, Mother and I walked at the college lake, while Hubbie planted some flowers and four tomato plants that he'd been given this morning while he worked at the fairgrounds.

It was quite warm today, with a very gusty wind that provided a lot of resistance as we walked. Mother is only four feet eleven inches tall and weighs just 128 pounds, so a gusty wind like that makes her totter sideways. I'm alert that she doesn't just totter right into the lake!

Back home, I finished a grocery list and went to the WDCS. The road that the store is on is under construction to build two new lanes, and this afternoon the traffic was backed up half a mile from the store, and inched along at a snail's pace. I finally cut across a large parking lot and entered the WDCS parking lot from a side street. The trip home was faster, since the lane I needed was not jammed with traffic.

The bug man came around 3 p.m. and began (horrors!) opening closet doors to squirt spray inside. I apologized for my messy closets. He said he's single and works 70 hours a week, so I should see what his house looks like. Okay, well he has a good excuse. What's mine?

Supper tonight was salmon loaf, baked sweet potatoes, and whole kernel corn. Afterwards, we toured the yard to look at the pretty flowers. After that, we spent the evening in our usual activities.

Note: the mama cat has five more kittens...three buff colored ones, a black one, and a light yellow one. Add those to five that are already roaming the yard, four of which are female, and, we think, also pregnant, and that equals: We've absolutely got to do something about all these cats!


Ann crum said...

Though I already have a cat, I'm about ready to make him stay outside all the time. He doesn't like me a bit and winds up attacking my hands and ankles. I love cats, but I want one that loves me back! Maybe one of yours?

Sixty Something said...

The new kittens are three or four weeks old, and there's one cute light yellow one...if we can get our hands on it and tame it, we'd be glad to bring him/her to you in May. The big ones are about a year old, and most of them are pregnant, and afraid of everyone but Hubbie.

Ann crum said...

I'd prefer a female, if there is one. I knew the bigger ones were pretty skittish! I look forward to having a new kitten here!

Sixty Something said...

Okay, we'll try to tame a female for you. I've found that the yellow ones tend to be males, so you'll probably get a buff or black one.