Thursday, April 23, 2009

After the Trip, Part Two

Monday morning it was back to water aerobics. After nine days of not much exercise and too many of the wrong things to eat, I needed to get back to a normal routine. Today, the pool was over-filled, but thankfully it was warm. One of the ladies said the pool maintenance guy intended to just add a little water to the pool, but forgot about it until it was over-filled. Several of us ladies like to do our aerobics near the rope that divides the shallow end from the deep end, but the pool is so full that we are exercising on tippy-toes.

After I got back from the pool and was ready for the day, I made an appointment for Thursday for Mother to see her doctor for routine blood work and a blood pressure check. Then she came over and we planned the week's menu. After lunch, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS to get the groceries needed for the meals.

Then Mother and I went for a walk at the college lake. No one else was at the lake today. It was warm, but windy, and just a little cool. We were glad we wore jackets.

Supper tonight was a pot of beans, sauteed potatoes, and boiled cabbage. Afterward, Hubbie and I spent our hour of down time in separate pursuits...he reading a book, and I on my laptop. At 7 p.m., we watched "The Bucket List," a PG-13 comedy/drama starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. This is a very good movie about two men who learn they have terminal illnesses, and who decide to fulfill some personal dreams before they die.

After that we watched a couple of favorite one-hour shows before bedtime. We were pretty tired by 10 p.m.