Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday, June 5

Up around 7:30, and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over mid-morning, but we didn't do a lot before lunch.

After lunch, we made greeting cards, to use as county fair entries. There are categories for all sorts of greeting cards, including every holiday, cards made from recycled materials, marbled paper, handmade paper, stamped, tarjeteria, and others. After the fair, we'll donate most of the cards to Caring Hands Hospice.

While we were doing this, Hubbie spent the afternoon in the yard. Volunteer tomato plants are growing in most of the flower gardens around the yard, so Hubbie fertilized them to see if they'll bear fruit. The plants sprung up out of the compost that Hubbie distributed throughout the flower beds.

Extra tomato plants are also volunteering in the veggie gardens, thanks to the compost. If all the tomato plants produce, we'll be eating tomatoes until they are coming out of our ears. Of course, we'll be happy to have plenty for the freezer, and for making chili sauce, etc. We love fried green tomatoes, so maybe there'll be lots for the freezer.

Also in the flower gardens, the lilies are in bloom. I want to get out tomorrow and shoot some digital photos of them. I've enjoyed using prints of flower snapshots in making greeting cards for Caring Hands.

Other than making greeting cards, the only thing I accomplished today was doing laundry. First I had to treat wine stains on a pair of capris. Instead of treating the stain immediately, I waited for a week. Of course, I couldn't treat the stain at the reunion picnic, where it happened, but I should have rinsed the capris in cold water when I got back to camp.

I tried a stain removal product on them first, which didn't work. So I followed that with a vinegar treatment...dabbed vinegar, full strength, on the stain with a paper towel, and in a few minutes, the stain lifted. I'm glad I was able to save this pair of capris. I got them for $3 off the end-of-summer clearance rack at one of the stores that has a sale every weekend, but they fit nicely, and I like them, so I didn't want to have to trash them after only one wearing.

For supper tonight, we had a choice of hamburgers/turkey burgers...hamburger for Hubbie, and turkey burgers for Mother and me...with sauteed potatoes in onions and bell peppers. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I wasted time in front of TV, again.

We watched a couple of Lifetime Movie Network features. The first was called "The Dead will Tell." A woman falls in love and receives a ring that has a history. The former owner of the ring was murdered, and the woman begins seeing her ghost. The ghost cannot rest until her murder is solved. Secrets are uncovered as the woman pursues the truth.

The second feature was "A Near Death Experience." In this one, the heroine nearly dies from chocking on food. Afterward, she comes across a little girl in a hospital gown. She follows the girl into the hospital. Turns out she is dead. Other dead people begin to enlist her help to solve their problems, particularly one, who has been murdered.

Got a nice note in the mail today from a classmate's wife (she and her husband hosted the reunion picnic). She sent along an "in the past" newspaper column that featured "60 years ago today." It listed the names of our graduating class. It's a welcome item to include in my reunion scrapbook.

She was excited about the hostess gift of a bottle of wine that we gave her...not so much because of the wine, but because it came in a blue bottle. She collects blue bottles, and has a large display of them in her sunroom.

Besides blue bottles, I noticed that she also collects Santas, which are displayed in her den. Collections are to be enjoyed, so I was glad to see that she doesn't hide the Santas away after Christmas, but leaves them out to delight her eye all year round.

Hers is a home that is well lived in, clean, but cluttered enough to show she and her family use it for their various activities. I felt very much at home there. I'm ill-at-ease in homes that look like showcases. Right now, my own living room is serving as a craft area, with two tables set up and covered in card making materials.