Monday, September 17, 2012

Wednesday, Sept. 12

Up at 6:30 to go to the pool. Cool enough this morning to wear my fleece outfit. The first thing I noticed in the dressing room was that a shower was running. I thought maybe one of the lap swimmers was back there, but when I went back to rinse off, I found no one there. One of the aerobics ladies must have left it on, and I figure I know which one. She's a nice lady, but she sometimes forgets to flush after herself, so it's not a stretch to figure she also left the shower on.

In the pool, I commented to the lady abuot the shower being left on, and she stated it was probably one of the lap swimmers, but I figure she'll be more careful from now on.

I asked the lady that we got the pots of amaryllis from if we'd done the right thing. No, we hadn't. She insisted there were two small pots on the porch. But she said it was okay, since she has hundreds of the plants in her back yard. But she would like to have her large decorative pots back, since they were a gift from her son.

Back home, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. By the time I was ready for the day, it was lunchtime. As usual, Mother retired to the couch after lunch, while Hubbie and I ran errands.

The first thing we did was return the washed pots, along with a large bag of potting soil, to my water aerobics friend. She appeared to not be at home, so we just left them on her porch.

From there, we went to the post office, and then to Caring Hands Hospice to drop off the sympathy cards Mother and I had made. I was told that seven patients have died in the past week and a half, which is sad.

We finished our errands with a trip to the WDCS, after which we went to a fast food restaurant to use two free coupons for wild berry drinks.

On the way home, we saw several wild turkeys in a field where in months past we've seen deer grazing.

Supper tonight was leftover fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and Lima beans from Sunday.

There was an art gallery meeting tonight, but I opted out, since the discussion was to be about something I'm not involved in. Once I'd accompanied Mother to her house, Hubbie and I watched TV for the evening.

Before we went to bed, Hubbie decided to get the new printer out of the box and set it up, so it would be ready for me to install tomorrow. But he fiddled with the functions enough that I was forced to complete the installation tonight. So by the time I went through several false starts and finally ironed out the kinks, I was pretty late getting in bed.