Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday, July 7

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready to go to water aerobics. I've been away from it for two weeks, so it was high time I got back to it.

Sixteen of us attended this morning. The pool was scrumptiously warm, and I enjoyed being in it. Our regular leader recently had knee surgery, so she will be absent for several weeks. Two other ladies split leadership duties. One led the aerobics session, the other led the water noodle session.

We are amused, because the lady who insisted on doing the aerobics sessions is someone who rarely attended aerobics when our regular leader was there. But she is interested in being in the limelight, so she volunteered for the job. It's just as well she volunteered,  because no one else wants the responsibility. Certainly, I don't want it. So I'll suffer this lady, even though she can't seem to remember the regular routine, and just makes stuff up as she goes along

It was just as well that I missed the only two days there were sessions last week, since the pool was chilly both days. I wasn't the only one who missed...last Wednesday, only eight attended.

Today, we were brought up to date on three ladies who are no longer attending. Two of them are in their 80s, and both have medical problems that have forced them into nursing homes. One has Alzheimer's Disease.

One of these ladies learned to drive after her husband died about ten years ago. We thought that was very courageous. Most women, having never driven in their lives, wouldn't attempt it in their senior years.

Another lady, in her 70s, has also been having medical problems. She has been in a hospital for several weeks, and recently was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This one bothers me the most, because she was the strongest one of our group

She always arrived at the pool early and did lap swimming (she was once an Olympic swimming hopeful, though she didn't get to compete). She also owned cattle that she cared for on her own. She was very strong, and we all admired her.

Back home after aerobics, Hubbie said the guy who is to lay a new floor in the sunroom had come while I was at water aerobics. He estimated the amount of tile we will need, and gave us an estimate for doing the job.

When he came into the sunroom, he noticed three cats scurry away into the house. So he asked if the cats would be around while he worked, because it seems he's allergic to them. He said that he and his wife used to have cats, but had to get rid of them when he started reacting to them.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house shortly after I came home, and then he put color in my hair in anticipation of a haircut appointment tomorrow afternoon.

It was close to noon by the time I was ready for the day. After a sandwich lunch, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, while Hubbie and I ran errands

We went first to the library to return a couple of DVDs. A thunderstorm cropped up just as we arrived at the library. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a streak of lightning, followed immediately by a crash of thunder, occurred just as Hubbie was walking across the parking lot. He seemed not to even notice it, though.

From the library, we went to a flooring store to look at tile samples. I found one I like, but naturally it doesn't come in the size we need. So we continued our the bank, and to the pharmacy/grocery store to pick up a prescription, cartons of fat-free ice cream, and this week's free item, which was an energy bar.

Returned home after that to put the ice cream in the freezer. Then we went to the wholesale flooring store down the road from our house, where we found tile that will be okay in the sunroom.  We brought a sample home to try in the room to try against the walls. It isn't quite the color I wanted. But as with any home improvement we've embarked upon, I've always had to compromise.

Then we went to a dollar store to find a birthday card, and finished our errands at the WDCS to pick up a few groceries.

Back home, I relaxed for a while. Around 4 p.m., I put veggies in the oven to heat...mashed potatoes, green beans, and yellow and zucchini squash. Later, I made a recipe of white gravy.

Mother was ready to go home afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her. I went to her house to put drops in her eyes around 8:30.

Tonight's TV fare was episodes of "The Good Wife" on DVD. We've seen these shows, but Hubbie wanted to go back to the beginning of the series before we get the later episodes. We enjoy this show, but in the past few seasons, there has been a reality show that preceded it, so that half of every episode was cut. I finally quit  recording it. Now we can binge watch it and catch up to date.