Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday, June 6

Up at 7:30 this morning. Skipped my exercises, as usual on Sunday. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house after breakfast, and after we did our usual Sunday morning stuff, we headed to the kitchen to begin lunch preparations.

Hubbie peeled potatoes, while Mother sliced green tomatoes that Daughter had provided. I began frying the tomatoes around 11 a.m., while Mother snapped beans that I washed earlier. There wasn't time to cook the beans before lunch, since there wasn't a large burner left for the Dutch oven, after one of them was being used to fry the tomatoes, and the other was occupied by a Dutch oven of potatoes.

While I did the tomatoes, I also started an electric fry pan of chicken breasts frying. While the food cooked, I woke Daughter up, after she'd snoozed until close to noon.

She woke with an appetite, and was ready for lunch by the time the tomatoes and chicken were done, and I got the potatoes mashed and made a pan of white gravy. Since the green beans weren't cooked by this time, I heated a can of whole kernel corn for a side dish.

We did absolutely nothing but visit and watch TV after lunch. Daughter was ready to head home around 5 p.m. She had a dish of peach cobbler and ice cream before she left, and since there was chicken salad, and a lot of egg salad left, I sent some of it home for her to have later. I also sent helpings of today's meal, and a container of the green beans, since I'd cooked more than we needed.

Mother was ready to go home shortly after Daughter left, so Hubbie accompanied her. I would have sent sandwich makings with her, but she insisted she'd eaten way too much at lunch and didn't want anything for supper except maybe a piece of toast, or some yogurt. Later, I went to her house to put drops in her eyes.

Hubbie and I watched a couple of movies this evening. The first was, "Prefontaine," a 1997 movie about the life of a long-distance runner and Olympic hopeful, who broke every imaginable record, before dying in an auto accident at the young age of 24. A very good biopic movie.

We followed that with a movie called, "The Cold Light of Day," starring Henry Cavill. Sigourney Weaver, and Bruce Willis. This PG-13, 2012 film is about a family that is kidnapped while on a sailing trip in Spain. Their grown son is onshore when it happens. When he goes in search of them, he is accosted by the police, and is rescued by his father. He learns that his father is an agent of some sort, and that foreign agents are after him, because he has something they want.