Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 6

Up at 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance band and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she went to her puzzle, while I got ready for the day.

I did this and that around the house until 11 a.m., when I prepared a sandwich lunch for Mother. She could have gone with us to the noon luncheon/talk at the hospital, but she preferred to stay home.

Hubbie and I left just after 11:30 to go to the hospital. Today's presenter, a radiation therapy doctor, is the husband of one of the Master Gardeners. His talk revolved mainly around a new radiation unit the hospital has recently installed. He gave us a lot of info on the structure of cancer, by way of explaining how accurately the machine pinpoints the affected area, while not damaging surrounding tissue.

The talk was a sales pitch in some respects, trying to encourage cancer patients to utilize thid hospital, rather than assuming hospitals in our Capital City are the only ones with state-of-the-art equipment.

I was amused when the doctor related the frustrations of removing the old machine and getting the new one installed. Everything that could go wrong, did, of course. Reminded me of our own home improvement project.

Today's lunch was pretty much the usual...chicken in a white sauce, oven fried potatoes, green bean/wax bean/carrot medley, rolls, and fresh fruit medley.

Back home, I posted photos to my social network page using my old laptop, because I couldn't figure out how to import photos to my new laptop. Later, I called the computer shop to find out how to do it. It's quite a bit different from my old one.

Now tonight the new laptop won't let me access the Internet, so I'll have to call the shop again tomorrow.

At 3 p.m. today, Mother and I went to the beauty shop. Nothing much going on there, except that my hairdresser has a foot problem. She's unwilling to see a doctor right now, though. Like most of us do in similar circumstances, she's hoping the pain will just go away. But the way she was limping, she was in obvious pain. I'm sure standing on her feet all day isn't helping.

At home again, I relaxed and read newspapers until time to prepare supper. Tonight, I made a little more white gravy to add to what was leftover from last night, and we had it over biscuits. Served cantaloupe on the side, and cups of coffee.

Mother was ready to go home afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched episodes of "The Good Wife."

Later, I went to Mother's house to put drops in her eyes. I took her a helping of instant chocolate pudding that I made earlier, and Cool Whip for a snack.