Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Capital City Trip, Day Seven

Day seven: Saturday, July 5: we were up by 7:30 this morning, in time to ride bikes one last time before leaving camp. We headed out about 11 a.m. and arrived home mid-afternoon. The area where the campground is located is in a lovely spot, near a mountain that is a favorite of climbers. Hubbie and I have climbed the steep path up it a few times, but haven't tried it in years.

Near the campground, too, is a pretty horse ranch, with green roofed and shuttered stables, green pastures, and white fences. Today, horses, and a couple of donkeys, were grazing in the pasture. Bordering the ranch is a slew...a body of water where both lily pads and cattails thrive. The mountain, a conical-shaped hill, really, with well-worn and clearly visible climbing paths etched up its sides, rises in the background.

Today signaled the end of the mild weather we enjoyed all week. The humidity was on the rise, and by the time we got home, it was very muggy for unpacking the camper.

We spent the rest of the day washing clothing and bedding, and doing the dozens of other tasks necessary to putting our lives back in order after a trip.

It was good to be back home again, although we'll be bitten by the wanderlust bug soon again, I'm sure.