Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday, July 8

I arrived at Cardiac Rehab this morning at 8:30 for a blood test and an exit interview. The blood test showed my cholesterol and blood sugar are normal. However, the nutritionist would like to see my HDL level higher, because a higher level is a better indicator of good health. This means I need to get more omega-3 in my diet. Omega-3 is plentiful in salmon and tuna, but I, like most folks, don't eat those fish the recommended three times a week. I do eat oatmeal on most mornings for breakfast, and I do take daily fish oil gels with high DHA and EPA ratings, but the nutritionist thinks I may need to take two gels a day.

I made 100% on the quiz testing my knowledge of cardiac health (I made 90% the first day I was tested). On the staff survey, I gave everyone high marks. These young people are dedicated to their patients, and they are a joy to be with.

I couldn't have breakfast this morning, since I was to have a finger-prick blood test. So I took along one of the fruit and veggie muffins I'd made yesterday, along with half a banana, and a cup of fat-free milk.

Today was education day, too, so a male therapist spent time talking with us about diabetes. A few in our group are diabetic, so the talk was aimed mainly at them. But the information was good for all of us, because some of us have diabetics in our family, and we can pass this information along to them.

It was 10:30 before I got home. Hubbie commandeered the van as soon as I arrived, so he could run some errands. I stuck around the house, because we were expecting a repairman to come and look at the camper refrigerator sometime today.

I got a call from a member of a local plant society (not Master Gardeners) asking me to give a program Saturday evening on photographing flowers. This is short notice, but since my calendar is free, I agreed to do it. I began right away researching online for some basic flower photography information to use in my presentation. This group consists of older folks, who may or may not be familiar with digital cameras and close-up photography, so I want to offer them uncomplicated ideas for getting better shots.

The refrigerator repairman finally did come. He found that some sort of circuit board in the fridge had come loose, probably from the camper jostling during travel. He felt confident that this was the problem. He plugged the circuit board back in and asked us to wait a few hours to see if the fridge cools. If it does not cool, we are to call him.

After supper, we all trekked down to the art gallery for an artist reception. On display are small works on paper from the capital city's art museum. This is a juried exhibit, which this year has lots of "artsy" photographs that interested me.

Tonight, we indulged in a couple of refreshment items...chocolate chip merengues, and apple chips. Both were delicious. I looked up recipes for these, and they are simple to make, and both are very attractive. The merengues were served in a clear vase shaped like an oil lamp chimney, and the apple chips were in a pretty basket.

Later, Hubbie and I attended a community theater board meeting. Hubbie attends twice a year, on party nights...once in the summer, when new board members are welcomed, and once at Christmas time. The old board members usually provide refreshments for these events. However, when we arrived, we were told the party has been postponed until next month, because the executive board hadn't been seated as of last night, and the new board members hadn't been contacted. Also, the outgoing president is in the hospital. I should have called the lady who hosts our meetings each month at her house, because I noticed I didn't get a message to bring a goodie last night.

We got home from the meeting about 9:30 p.m., and Hubbie went out to check the camper refrigerator. It wasn't cooling, so he called and left a message with the repairman.